Jigar Tewar

I'm Lead UI UX Designer, Product Designer, User Researcher, Website Designer
My Work My Résumé
A practical guide to solving problems with empathy and creativity

The Design Thinking Way

Understand, ideate, prototype, test, and iterate to create solutions that matter. Design thinking is a creative and iterative process that can help you solve any problem.

Empathise with Your Users

What? How? Why? - User Interviews - Sharing and creating inspiring stories - Body-storming - Empathy maps & customer journey maps - Personas 

Define the Problem and Interpret the Results

Define a meaningful and actionable Problem Statement - Empathy Mapping ( Said, Did, Thought, and Felt ) - “How Might We” Questions

Ideate - Challenge Assumptions and Create Ideas

“How Might We?” - Adapting - Connecting - Disrupting - Flipping - Dreaming and Imagining - Experimental - Recognise Patterns - Curiosity

Prototype—Start to Create Solutions

Low-Fidelity Prototyping ( sketching, Wireframing ) - High-Fidelity Prototyping ( Visual impact, Interaction flow)

Test—Try Your Solutions Out

Usability, Accesibility, A/B Testing, Heuristic Evaluation, Solution should be Feasible and Viable

Iterate & Launch

It's a Non-linear process, Usability test / analysis we can iterate and re-ideate or design and after final testing launch it.

Certified UI-UX / Product Designer

25 IxDF Certifications

I am a certified UI/UX designer with expertise in UI/UX design, product design, and user research.
I have achieved 25 certifications from Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF Denmark).

I am passionate about using design thinking to create user-centered products that solve real problems.
I am also a strong advocate for inclusive design, and I believe that everyone should have access to well-designed products.

15 out of 25 are with 90%+ Top 10 distinctions, proving my mastery of the design thinking process.
I am always looking for new ways to learn and grow, and I am confident that my skills and experience will make me a valuable asset to any team.

Sharing Knowledge and Experience with a Global Reach

UX Mentor and
Community Builder

I am a UX mentor with over 7 years of experience in IxDF - Vadodara, ADPList, and Topmate.io.
I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with others,
and I am always eager to help new designers learn and grow.

I have a deep understanding of the UX design process, and I am always up-to-date on the latest trends.
I am also a strong advocate for inclusive design,
and I believe that everyone should have access to well-designed products.

These companies are providing valuable resources to UX designers around the world.

Leading the Way in UX Education, Articles, and Innovation

These three companies are at the forefront of UX education, articles, and innovation. They are providing valuable resources to UX designers around the world, helping them to learn, grow, and stay ahead of the curve.



N N /g

Nielsen Norman Group


Global Design Company

Portfolio Designs

My Work

I am a UI/UX designer, product designer, and user researcher with a passion for creating user-centered products. I have a deep understanding of the design process, and I am always eager to learn and grow.

My recent work includes the design of a new mobile app, the redesign of a website, and the conduct of user research for a new product. I am always looking for new challenges, and I am excited to share my work with you.

On Hover - High Resolution Image | Case Study | Website

All Mobile - Web App Design Website Design User Research

What My Colleagues Say
I'm Good At...

Lets Get In Touch

I am always happy to hear from you. Just drop us a line and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Vadodara,Gujarat, India - 391410

+91 9925466278
